Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hearts and roses and all that mushy stuff...

 I've been married twice.
I was 21 when I walked down the aisle the first time. Such a magical day.  The stuff fairytales are made of.  So young and in love.  Deep as the ocean love. Soulmate stuff.  For the next 4 years we both worked full time and in our spare time we had fun.  Winter weekends were spent with me watching him play soccer, followed by drinks at the pub, followed by drinks at our house, followed by lazy Sundays.  We played indoor soccer during the week, a few seasons of volleyball.   We bought our house and we entertained.  We did projects around the house... and in 1999 we prepared the nursery,  ready for our little millenium baby. 

His brother came along almost 5 years later. 

We were married for 10 years. 

Then one day my world was turned upside down, spun around 10 times, thrown against some walls, run over by a truck, spun around some more and then when it landed, dazed and concussed, the world I had known for 10 years was gone... It was now just me and 2 boys. 

I was still in a vunerable state when my second husband came along.  He did teach me to laugh and love again, but in hindsight we were never the right people for each other.  My gorgeous number 3 son came along very quickly in our relationship, and we struggled with our methods of parenting, amongst other things.  After 6 years we made the decision that we'd given our relationship the best go we could and moved on.  We co-parent our son, which means that every other week he's with his dad.  Does that hurt?  You bet it does.  But it's not about my pain, its about our son.   Its about what is best for him.   He needs to be with his dad as much as his mumma.  

So now i'm a single mumma, and to be honest I am ok with it.   More than ok.   I am a busy girl.  I like being busy.  I always have something going on.  I have goals and plans and projects.  I have my kids.  I'm not looking for a relationship.  Internet dating scares me. I'm happy to leave it in the hands of the universe as to who I cross paths with and when. 

But just in case the universe is needing a bit of a heads up in the future I've complied a list of what i'm looking for.   Did I mention I like lists?

In terms of looks I don't think I have a 'type' to be honest.   Nice eyes.  Nice arms.  Ian Somerhalder.

However if he ticks these boxes a bitch might just power walk...

A taste for adventure
Smart-ass comebacks and a quick wit
A sense of fun
A sense of humour
A love of travel
Class when required and the wisdom to know it

So there you have it... my man list.  High expectations right?!  (Take it lightly tho, remember this is for fun).

I already know he doesn't exist...

And that, in a nutshell, is my hearts and roses and all that mushy stuff... The past, the present and the future...

When it is all finished, you will discover it was never random//

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